

Weekends are time for everyone to just sit back and relax. But more often than not, Fridays are spent being swamped with work, trying to complete everything before the weekend arrives. But not anymore! Here at Growthroots, we encourage our employees to have a stress-free Friday where both productivity and creativity are nurtured and given root to. So watch an award winning movie or an inspiring documentary, even have a live performance! Share, learn and innovate and give a kick-start to your upcoming weekend, only on Freedom Fridays!


Being in sync with our ideology of maintaining a harmonious and conflict-free workspace for our employees, we have introduced the concept of Wall of Words. Here, the employees can easily seek help from other team members, employees or even the Human Resource department. It is a concept that helps in uniting the company, making it function as a single unit. Not just problems, but suggestions and even tips are welcomed and encouraged on the Wall of Words. It helps in everyone gaining a better understanding of any present problem, or even suggest a solution for the same. Words of praise are welcome as well.


The concept of work, work, work has been defined and redefined many times, until it has become work, create, play. The recitative cycle of simply working is not something that is promoted at Growthroots, with our employees focusing on work along with enjoyment. Leave no doubt, work is still work, but what’s the fun in repeating the same monotonous routine when simple celebrations or gatherings can help in not just increasing productivity but keep our employees motivated as well. There can be simple, small celebration for winning a business pitch, or an award ceremony commemorating the outstanding employees; all are a part of our Growthroots culture. It also helps in building employee morale and unity. You can also find us cheering during the next Soccer World Cup and still deliver the reports on time.


Reflecting our belief in having a stress-free work environment, we have Free days here at Growthroots. The concept of Free Day is very simple; on the last Friday of every month we celebrate Free Day. That means a day free from anything and everything, no extra work, no client meetings, no boss, no anything! We encourage our employees to use this day to express their ideas and thoughts, in a frank and honest manner. Not just that, but we also like to explore the uncharted, breaking boundaries and creating a better space for our employees.


Exploring ones creativity is a sure shot way of staying unique and, of course, creative. We here at Growthroots encourage creativity and uniqueness, making sure that every employee is pitching in with their ideas or tips. It not only makes up for an efficient way to tackle any problem, but also to be innovative as well. By using the employee-contributed ideas, a unique and creative idea is created, making it stand out among st all the others. It is not just a win for the company, but for the employees as well, for they all have a part in the success of the company. Being relevant in this constantly changing industry means to constantly innovate and adapt oneself, something that is handled expertly in the creative zone. From discussing everything to anything, our employees are encouraged to take part in the discussions and other processes, facilitating an exchange of ideas and information in the process.


When was the last time you took a nap? In play school? Kindergarten maybe? Well, whenever it was, it was sure a satisfying one, napping in the middle of the day and preparing oneself for the day ahead. But wait, taking naps at work is now possible as well. How? Well, Growthroots has made an official nap time a part of everyone’s daily schedule.

But why is a power nap necessary? Well, according to studies conducted, it has been found that people taking a power nap in between work have a better performance that the ones who don’t. Designating an official nap time makes it easier for the employees to reap the benefits of a power nap.

It also works as a de-stressor for the employees, who can take a power nap in the middle of the day and recharge their batteries for the day that is to come ahead for them. It also provides them with a peaceful working environment, as a relaxed and happy employee only adds to the shine of the workplace.

Although a novel concept, Growthroots strives to make sure that all the employees are given an ideal environment to work in, increasing their creativity and work quality.So, let’s not just work, but have a balance between work and play.